Thursday, February 27, 2025

2025 Wake County Genealogical Society Virtual Meetings - next - March 25

We Look forward to seeing you at our next virtual meeting!

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 6:30pm – Virtual

Topic: Gravestone Symbolism

Speaker: Robin Simonton, Executive Director at Historic Oakwood Cemetery, Author, Historian

Genealogists use gravestone information to document death information, but often a burial marker provides more than biographical information. Gravestones, like any record, should be analyzed, but doing so requires us to think beyond genealogical research. In this presentation, we will explore types of cemeteries, the anatomy of a marker, and the hidden information the marker provides.

 Join us!  Free and virtual!

*Please register by 4pm day of meeting.

*Please save your passcode and link for ease of entry at start time.

*Presentation starts promptly at 6:30 pm.

Link to register at the Wakecogen website events page. 

Registration is now open!

Upcoming Events 

View events page for details

Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2025 @ 6:30pm - Virtual

Going Postal presented by Cynthia Gage, WCGS member and former Webmaster

Tuesday, May 27, 2025 @ 6:30pm - Virtual

US Census: Non-Population Schedules presented by Barbara McGeachy, WCGS President, Olli Instructor

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2025 @ 6:30pm - Virtual

Squeezing All the Facts Out of Your DNA Matches presented by Kate Penny Howard, Director of Human Resources and Genetic Genealogist, DNA Angels

Tuesday, July 22, 2025 @ 6:30pm - Virtual

Creating an Ancestor Sketch presented by Thomas MacEntee, author, educator, founder of Genealogy Bargains

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wake Wednesday - Abraham and Correnna Justice of Low End Community, Apex NC

We have featured the Apex StoryMap before. It was created to celebrate the sesquicentennial (150 years) of Apex and its surrounding communities and each link provides a virtual tour of the communities.

The StoryMap brought the Justices and their neighbors in the black Low End community to my attention. Abraham Lincoln Justice and his wife Correnna were social activists in their community. They believed in helping their neighbors by providing financial resources, land for affordable housing that came to be called Justice Heights, donating building materials for the construction of the Apex First Baptist Church. They developed the Justice Cemetery to ensure their neighbors had an affordable burial option. 


All of these sites that the Justices invested their time and energy are highlighted and pinned on the Apex StoryMap. Visit the Low End link and you will find others among their neighbors who were equally community-minded. This profile illustrates the best of this small close knit group of neighbors who took the interests of all to heart. 

I looked for the Justice Cemetery in the Wake Cemetery Survey. I did not find it listed in the Holly Springs township where it is located as referenced on the StoryMap. I did find a Find A Grave listing for it which states that the Justice Cemetery was started by the Justices in the 1950's and is now owned by Claude Thorpe, a nephew. There are about 3 acres remaining unused of the original 6 acres. There are 537 burials, most with funeral markers instead of stones and about 3 acres remain unused for burial. This large cemetery will be added to the Cemetery Survey files with links to the StoryMap and Find a Grave. It is sad to see that it was overlooked in the original survey.

In addition to the Low End Community, you can read about other black communities at the Apex StoryMap including Friendship and Whops. New Hill became interracial when J. C. Garnes opened a service station in the 1970s. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. James also relocated to New Hill in the 70s to open a family care home.

There is a lot of history in the Apex StoryMap both black a white. I hope you will take some time to see all the history it has to share.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Free Local Genealogy Courses at John P. "Top" Greene Community Center Offered for Spring

John P. “Top” Greene Community Center
401 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Raleigh, NC 27601

Shaking Your Family Tree: Genealogy Courses
PresenterTanya Foreman
Dates: Saturdays, Feb. 8, April 12, & May 10

Discover the stories of your past with Shaking Your Family Tree, a series of engaging and interactive genealogy courses

These classes provide an exciting opportunity for participants to delve into their roots, uncover their family history, and connect with their heritage. Whether you're just beginning your journey or looking to deepen your research, this program has something for everyone.

Each class will be led by Tanya Foreman, a renowned genealogy expert and founder of Family Matters Genealogy. With years of experience and a passion for helping others trace their ancestry. Tanya brings invaluable insight and expertise to every class.

Why Attend? Your family’s story is a one-of-a-kind treasure waiting to be uncovered. These courses offer more than just research techniques—they open the door to personal discovery and a stronger sense of identity.

Uncover Hidden Stories: Learn to piece together the lives and legacies of your ancestors’ using records, photos, and historical documents.
Preserve Your Legacy: Create a lasting record of your family’s history to share with future generations.
Celebrate Cultural Heritage: Explore the vibrant stories and traditions that have shaped your family’s journey.
Build Connections: Share your discoveries with fellow participants, building community and a shared appreciation for history.
Access Expert Resources: Gain hands-on experience with advanced genealogy tools and receive personalized guidance from experienced instructors.

Link to Details

Link to Register  (2 remaining sessions)

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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wake Wednesday - Slave Narratives in the Wake Treasures Journal Archive

A selection of the slave narratives relevant to Wake County were transcribed as noted below. The Wake Treasures Journal Archives are currently free to all to view. 

Note that historical materials often include viewpoints, language, norms, and values of the original creators that may be harmful to our sensibilities today. There is language here that some may wish to skip. The words of the original speakers were preserved as originally expressed.*

SLAVE NARRATIVES – A FOLK HISTORY OF SLAVERY IN THE US, FROM INTERVIEWS WITH FORMER SLAVES Transcribed by Jerry J. Lewis NORTH CAROLINA NARRATIVES, Pt. 1, Vol. 14, NC District #2. This can be found in the North Carolina State Library. This was a project of the Works Progress Administration in 1937.

These narratives were can be found in Vol 8.2 (starting p. 57) and Vol 9.1 (starting p.59)

The narratives include accounts from former enslaved persons who lived in Raleigh at the time of the WPA survey. Many were enslaved in Wake County, but the transcripts also include accounts from those found living in Wake County but formerly enslaved in the surrounding counties. 

The narratives vary in content but often include the names of family members, enslavers, names and/or location of their enslavement. Details are often included of  the living conditions both during enslavement and after. 

The body of work was written in African American Vernacular English (Southern Black dialect of the nineteenth century) preserving the informant's own words and speech patterns and was transcribed as such. 

These accounts are often difficult to read due of the subject matter. Despite the discomfort, these works are valuable to those who endeavor to traced their ancestors back past the 1870 Census and gain details about family, enslavers and location of plantations.

Here are some partial examples of the interviews included. (The full texts of the below and others can be found in the journals linked above) :

#320013, Pg. 52–JANE LEE, 81* years old, Selma, NC (*typo in Journal has her age listed as 21)

“I wus borned de slave of Marse Henry McCULLERS down here at Clayton on de Wake an’ Johnston line. My daddy wus named Addison an’ my mammy wus named Caroline. Daddy ’longed to Mr. John ELLINGTON who also lived near Clayton. I doan know de number of Mr. ELLINGTON’s slaves, but I know dat Marse Henry had six or seben.

“Marse Henry ain’t had no oberseer ner no patterollers nother. He managed his business hisself an’ ain’t needed nobody. He whupped dem when dey needed hit but dat ain’t often, not dat he ain’t put de whuppin’ on dem what did need hit.

“I ’members de Yankees comin’ good as iffen hit wus yesterday. Dey comed wid a big noise, chasin’ our white folks what wus in de army clean away. Dey chase dem to Raleigh an’ den dey kotch 'em, but dey ain’t had much time, ter do us any damage case dey wus too busy atter de Rebs. ...

#320219, Pg. 73–HENRIETTA McCULLERS, 531 E. Davie Street, Raleigh, NC, 87 years old. 

“...Yo’ ax me iffen Mis’ Betsy wus good ter us? She wus so good dat I loved her all her life an’ now dat she’s daid I loves her in her grave. “We et de same rations what she et an’ we slept in de same kind o’ bed she slept in. I knows dat sometimes she’d have company an’ she’d do a heap o’ extra fixin’, but she ain’t neber fix better fer de company dan fer us. 

“She’d let us have a co’n shuckin’ onct a year, an’ of course, we had a heap of prayer meetin’s an’ a few socials. She ain’t wanted her niggers ter dance case she am such a good Christian, but she let us have candy pullin’s an’ sich. ...

“Iffin de wuck wus pushin’ we wucked from sunup till dark an’ Mis’ Betsy wucked too. Man, she wus a wuckin’ woman, an’ she made us wuck too; but I loves her better dan I does my own chilluns now, en’ dat’s one reason dat I wants ter go ter heaben. All my life when I done a bad thin I think 'bout Mis’ Betsy’s teachin’s an’ I repents. ...

#320248, Pg. 156–ANN PARKER, of the Wake County Home, Wake County, NC

“I reckon dat I is a hundert an’ three or a hundert an’ four years old. I wuz a 'oman grown at de end o’ de war. 

“I ain’t had no daddy case queens doan marry an’ my mammy, Junny, wuz a queen in Africa. Dey kidnaps her an’ steals her 'way from her throne an’ fetches her hyar ter Wake County in slavery. 

“We 'longed ter Mr. Abner PARKER who lived near Raleigh an’ he had maybe a hundert slaves an’ a whole heap of lan’, I ain’t neber laked him much, case we had ter wuck hard an’ we ain’t got much ter eat. He ain’t 'lowed us no fun, but we did have some, spite o’ him. 

“Daughter, did I tell yo’ 'bout my mammy bein’ a queen. Yes, she wuz a queeen, an’ when she tol’ dem niggers dat she wuz dey bowed down ter her. She tol’ dem not ter tell hit an’ dey doan tell, but when dey is out of sight of de white folkses dey bows down ter her an’ does what she says. 

“A few days 'fore de surrender mammy, who am also a witch, says ter dem dat she sees hit in de coffee grounds dat dey am gwine ter be free so all o’ us packs up an’ gits out.

#320176, Pg. 270-JOHN SMITH, a negro in the Wake County Home, Raleigh, NC. Interviewed by T. Pat MATTHEWS, May 10, 1937. 

..."I seed millions of Yankees, jist like bees. When de war close I went wid’ em. I did not work enny for a year. I wuz so glad when de war ended, and dey tole me I wuz free I did not know what to do. I went wid  de Yankees, dey wuz kind to us. Dey said dey wuz shore glad to see us. Dey gib us jist what dey wanted us to hab. 

“During de war, I had corn bread wid one piece of meat a day. De meal wuz not sifted. De white folks had sifters made of horse hair but de slaves didn’t have no sifters. When I carried a dress off to have it made on Sunday for Mist’ss during de war, when she could not make it herself, she gimmie a biskit. We called Sunday, Blue Monday. She gimme de biskit fur workin’ on Sunday. Den I got a biskit fur going atter de dress. I got about two biskits a year when de war wuz going on. I wuz workin’ to keep de soldiers fed, dey got de biskits.

#320168, Pg. 377-TOM WILCOX, of Method. May 19, 1937 

"I wuz borned on March 18th, 1856 durin’ de biggest snow dat eber hit Eastern Carolina’ dey says dat hit wuz up ter de roof. De place whar I wuz borned wuz in Warren County; jist acrost de Halifax County line. My mammy’s marster wuz Mr. B. Osco HARRIS an’ his wife wuz named Martha. 

“My mammy’s name wuz Alice an’ my pappie’s name wuz Camelin. I had three brothers, Little Berry, Cornelius, James an’ C. J. Dar wuz four gals, Anne, Pattie, Pennie, an’ Mary Frances. 

“De white folks wuz good ter us an’ we loved ’em but we wanted ter be free, case de Lawd done make us all free. 

“My missus wuz a religious woman an’ I can’t tell yo’ de number uv times she has beat me case I done some kind uv wuck on a Sunday. We went ter church ever Sunday an’ we wusn’t ’lowed ter cuss an’ sich things. 

“I wuz nine when de war commence. Durin’ de war an’ I wuz workin’ in de fiel’, long wid de fifty or sixty other slaves. Dar wuzn’t nary a Yankee track made in our section, an’ we ain’t knowed much ’bout de war. 

“As I done tell yo’ onct we wuz fed an’ clothed good an’ we lived fer each other, but my pappy belonged ter one man an’ my mammy ter another one an’ so we wanted ter be all together. Atter de war we stayed on till ’69, den we come ter Ralegih. Most uv de wimmens an’ chilluns wuz sent by de train, but me an’ pappy an’ Berry, we walked all de way by Louisburg, an’ driv’ pappy’s thirteen heads of cattle.

“In 1871 we buyed ten acres uv lan’ at Method fer three dollars a’ acre an’ moved out hyar. 

* A special thank you to my advisors on handling this sensitive issue - Esther Moore and Barbara McGeachy

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Monday, February 17, 2025

Upchurch and Allied Families Association Newsletter - February 2025

For those following along, here is the latest Upchurch and Allied Families Association Newsletter.

February 2025

Condolences to the UAFA family on the recent passing of Sallaine Sledge Upchurch, wife of founder Phil Upchurch.

View past UAFA newsletters here

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Beginning Genealogy Classes in Raleigh Starting April 14, 2025

Barbara McGeachy, President of Wake County Genealogical Society, is teaching a series of in-person classes in Raleigh. These classes are in partnership with the City of Raleigh Parks and Recreation. Classes will be held Mondays from 10:30 am to noon in the large meeting room in the Laurel Hills Community Center, 3808 Edwards Mill Road.

Each class is $16 whether you are a Raleigh resident or not. Sign up for each class independently, although the first class “Getting Started!” is a pre-requisite for most of the other classes.

Barbara will teach 7 classes in the spring and early summer. Class limit is 40 students. Please share this opportunity with friends and neighbors!

Class list - April Classes are listed now open for registration at the website. 
Enroll online at 
Or stop by any staffed parks & rec center.  

Beginning Genealogy Classes taught by WCGS President, Barbara McGeachy



Monday,  April 14

Genealogy: Getting Started!

Learn how to research your family history. Start with yourself and work back in time. Start with records you already have. Find records on-line to fill in the gaps. Learn how to record names, dates, and locations. Learn how to keep track of what facts you find and where you found them.

 **This class is a pre-requisite for many other genealogy classes

Monday, April 21

Genealogy: Hatch ‘em, Match ‘em, Dispatch ‘em

Learn how to find vital records (birth, marriage, and death) which are essential to genealogy.

Pre-requisite: Getting Started

Monday, April 28

Genealogy: Making Sense of the Census

The census records all Americans every 10 years, from 1790 to 1950. Learn what information is in the census and how to find your ancestors!

Pre-requisite: Getting Started

Monday, May 5

Genealogy: Where There’s a Will

Learn about estate records, a rich source of genealogical information. Wills list heirs; inventory lists describe all the person’s worldly goods and their value. Learn where to find your ancestors’ wills and other estate records.

Pre-requisite: Getting Started

Monday, May 12

Genealogy: Read all about your ancestors!

Local newspapers were the internet and TV of their day! Find wedding descriptions, obituaries, family reunions, arrest records, and lots more genealogical data. Learn where to find old newspapers online.

Pre-requisite: Getting Started

Monday, June 2

Genealogy: Should I take a DNA test?

Why take a DNA test? Where can you take a test? How much does a DNA test cost? What are the pros & cons of testing?

No pre-req

Monday, June 9

Genealogy: Understanding DNA test results

Learn how to use the results of your DNA test. We’ll explain the ethnicity report and the match list. Any testing company has similar results.

No pre-req

The classes listed above will be repeated starting September 8. Additional classes will also be taught in the fall. 

Please share this opportunity with friends and neighbors! Class limit is 40 students. 

Any questions? Email Barbara

Saturday, February 15, 2025

February Meet-up Recap - Our Tour of Archives & Library on February 10, 2025

by Barbara McGeachy, President, Wake County Genealogical Society

About 30 people, members of the Wake County Genealogical Society and interested parties, toured the NC Archives and Government & Heritage Library in downtown Raleigh. After the tour, about a dozen of us walked to lunch next door in the legislature building. 

Our tour guides Doug Brown, Reference Unit Supervisor in the Archives, and Taylor Wolford, Outreach Librarian in the Government & Heritage Library, were ready for us with interesting documents. In the archives, we saw the original Sanborn maps of Raleigh, the will of John Rex whose bequest founded Rex Hospital in 1894 (still thriving in Raleigh today) and other documents. In the library, Taylor shared newsletters and meeting minutes of the Wake County Genealogical Society! We toured behind the scenes, going into the storage vaults and the rare book room of the library.

Taylor shared this information about the library:

  • All NC residents are eligible to get a free library card. With the card, you can check out books and access many databases from home. To register for a library card, use this link.

  • Here is the link to access the SLNC online databases  mentioned on the tour.

  • Here is the link for more information about the Book-A-Librarian program (free 30-minute one-on-one consultation, available over the phone or in person to anyone).

  • Any inquiries regarding donating materials to the GHL can be forwarded to this email address: This page on the SLNC website has more information about the types of materials we are interested in collecting and the donation process.

Enjoy these photos from our tour of the Archives and State Library provided  by George Thomas.

Clockwise from top left:                 

A drawer in the vertical files in the library - chock full of items donated by people. These files are not on-line due to copyright restrictions so you’ll need to plan an in-person visit!

Doug Brown describes sample documents in the archives search room. The large Sanborn map of Raleigh is in the foreground.

Behind the scenes, Doug Brown shares the archives storage vault. Most visitors never see this area!

Behind-the-scenes: the rare book room in the library stacks. Some people reported seeing a ghost here but not with so many people on a tour!

Thanks to Barbara and George for capturing the day.


Visit Wake County Genealogical Society's Website - 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wake Wednesday: Wake County in the NC Cohabitation Records c. 1866 - Online at NCDigital

Information about the NC Cohabitation records created in March 1866 appears at the NCDigital collection where these records are housed. The description reads as follows: 

In March 1866, the General Assembly passed “An Act Concerning Negroes and Persons of Color or of Mixed Blood,” which included a statute that enslaved people who had been living together as man and wife during slavery were now considered to be legally married. Called Cohabitation Bonds, these were filed with the Register of Deeds and were retroactive, legitimizing the marriages of former enslaved peoples. Typically included was the name and age of the bride and groom and length of time they had been “married”. Some counties include the name of the enslaver and/or the number of children the couple may have had. While in the original records cohabitation bonds are sometimes named as such, for many marriage records we cannot determine the race of the couple. In some instances, other marriage records from 1866 may be included in the collection that do not specifically include the term “cohabitation”.

These post Civil War records were created in all southern states so be sure to check in other states if your ancestors were there. For now we will focus on the NC collection of records that are digital and online. You can visit the main link for the collection and browse to the county of interest. The main link is here -

You will see the counties listed alphabetically. You can browse or use the search box at the top of the main page to go directly to the county of interest. Searching for "Wake" county shows that there are 114 pages of  records in the collection with six records per page.

While browsing the Wake County records I happened upon the same Christmas surnamed couple that had been featured in a previous blog post before the records became available from NCDigital. 

Source: NCDigital

While browsing, I also found a couple registering and using two different last names. 

Avera/Wood - Source: NCDigital

There are two different ways to view the files. The quick preview is a smaller screen and not very user friendly. Once you decide to have a good browse, you will want to open the viewer from the button located just below the preview pane on the right. This gives you full screen viewing, zoom control and an image scroll at the bottom of the screen. 

I did not find these images searchable, but that is understandable since they are all handwritten. Perhaps in the future, AI transcription will overcome that obstacle. For now, the full screen viewer tool makes for the best page by page browsing experience. 

If you are searching for formerly enslaved ancestors in Wake County, other NC counties or across the southern states, be sure to search out the cohabitation records for your kin.  When searching other states, check the FamilySearch wiki for Cohabitation Record locations. -

Visit Wake County Genealogical Society's Website - 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Reminder - RootsTech 2025 Happens Soon - March 6-8 Online and in Salt Lake City

"What is RootsTech?", you say. It is only the largest free online and in-person genealogy event of the year!

Are you registered? It is free. You only need to sign up with a FamilySearch log in. Create on and you can register instantly.

Start looking over the class and speaker list. Plan your interests and viewing time. So many good innovations come out at RootsTech each year. 

Need a great distraction now? Don't we all. Use your brain for learning and drown out the noise. Check out the very large and watchable library of classes from past RootsTech gatherings. Library classes are sorted by four categories - Beginner, FamilySearch, Research Methods and DNA. I bet they will add AI after this year. 

Don't miss out on one of the best free genealogy education events of the year. Check out RootsTech today.

Local speakers on this years schedule - 

Desi L. Campbell 

Diane L. Richard

Renate Yarborough Sanders

Lisa Lisson

Steve Little

Locals, if I missed someone let me know and I will add to the list!

Nationally recognized speakers -

Crista Cowan

Diahan Southard

Judy Russell

Diana Elder

Andrew Redfern

Bennett Greenspan

and more. Learn from 100+ industry experts from around the world.

Visit Wake County Genealogical Society's Website - 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Wake Wednesday - Hinton Midway Enslaved Persons Cemetery in Wake County Has Come Full Circle

I have been following the Hinton Midway Enslaved Persons Cemetery for several years now. I have been aware of it since first starting work on the Wake Cemetery Survey c. 1978 Image Project that is now hosted at the Wake County Genealogical Society website. I have been working on that since 2019 so I have seen it evolve as interest and civic action converged. 

The Midway Enslaved Cemetery sat neglected for many years on fallow land in Knightdale while right across the street (New Bern Avenue/ Business US 64) the "more recognized/more historical" portions of the Midway Plantation and the white family cemetery were moved in preparation to build the Shops at Midway shopping center (now called the Knightdale Market Place on Google Maps). Quotes for emphasis because that is how the narrative reads despite what we know to be true. There would be no massive prosperous Midway Plantation without the the free labor of the enslaved persons who toiled and died there. 

Meanwhile, the enslaved cemetery languished in a shady wooded undeveloped parcel across the busy highway until the early 2000's when Widewaters Village was planned and built. In the building process at least some of the cemetery was saved, and fenced. That portion is situated behind the Widewaters pool and clubhouse. While it was protected in a fenceds and shady area, it went uncared for for several years as few residents of  Widewaters Village knew of its existance. 

Everything changed in the 2020's when a group of community volunteers spearheaded a project to not only clean up the Hinton Midway Enslaved Cemetery but get it designated with a historical marker as well. 

In the course of following their efforts and studying for my own efforts in the WCGS Cemetery Image Project, I have amassed several links that tell the story of the evolutions and preservation of the Hinton Midway Enslaved Cemetery. I want to post them here where they can be easily found for the benefit of others.

First, the relative location of the Cemetery appears on this Google Map.

The large yellow ring encircles the Widewaters Pool and the shaded Cemetery.
Across the US64 Business, is the shopping center that takes up a portion of the 
former Midway Plantation land. The Midway story has been told many times over
and can be found by searching Google.

The Hinton Midway Enslaved Persons Cemetery appears on the Wake County Cemetery Survey Image Project within the St. Matthews township records. Here is a link to the file that ws collected in 1995. 

This is a portion of page 1. Click to enlarge
Note that it says that there are 150-200 graves.
A few have fieldstones with crude markings.
Most have none. 

This snippet from the St Matthews twp new index file
has additional information found during
the WCS Image project. Note that there is a street name
and GPS Coordinates to the site. Click to enlarge.

In addition to the research done for the WCS Image project, I have see conversations surface many time on various Wake County centric Facebook Groups. In fact there was a post I hunted for several weeks unsuccessfully when I wanted to share with someone. You will see that post featured prominently in the first video shared here. I am so glad to have even a video reference to it. I had thought I had dreamed it! 

Videos about The Hinton Midway Enslaved Persons Cemetery from inspiration to project to Historic Marker:

Sep 13, 2021

Note that they now estimate 130 graves rather that the 150-200 noted in the 1995 Wake Cemetery Survey document. Was this a miscount or have some disappeared in the meantime?

There is one more link that I have to share today on the cemetery. When I was searching for the previous set of links I noticed an article that was published in Time Magazine at the beginning of December this year (2024). I am glad to see the cemetery getting such far reaching coverage.

The full collection of the Wake County Cemetery Survey c. 1978 Image project can be viewed at our website.
Visit Wake County Genealogical Society's Website -