Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Local Learning Opportunity: July 30 Presentation - Writing Your Family History - Features WCGS President, Carla Stancil

Be sure to put July 30 on your calendar and call ahead for registration for this special event. Don't miss WCGS president, Carla Stancil team up with Lisa Lisson to offer tips to inspire, encourage and even help you over your writer's block. Share those stories. Leave a legacy!

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Monday, July 18, 2022

Wake Treasures - Vol 31, Issue 1 is Available

The latest issue of The Wake Treasures Journal is now live for reading or download at the Wakecogen website. Members should log in the member area to access it through the left sidebar. Here is a preview of what is inside from Journal editor, Donna Shackle.

In this publication you will find a vignette of President Carla Stancil's Wake County ancestors, the City of Raleigh Death registers from 1900-1901, and the first article of the Ernest Haywood Files.  I'm particularly pleased to present you a series of letters to and from Carl Stancil, Carla Stancil's beloved father, while he was in the marines from 1944-1952.  This is a series of 144 letters to be published over the next issues of Wake Treasures and we are looking forward to having you follow Carl on his journey.  Warm thanks to Carla for sharing this piece of history with us.
If you have any Wake County an ancestors or research, Wake Treasures would love to feature your work in a future issue.  We welcome submissions of research reports, narratives, and special articles.  If you have questions or want to learn more about being published in our award winning journal, feel free to contact me at journal@wakecogen.org.
Please consider joining the journal team.  In order to make the publication possible, a team of volunteers works behind the scenes and needs your help.  There are currently openings for a content curator and transcribers.  If you're interested in learning more about how you can help, please contact me at Journal@wakecogen.org and I will be happy to discuss volunteering opportunities.
Happy Reading, Donna, editor
To download this new edition, log into the Members Area and go to the Wake Treasures webpage. And if you have personal stories of people, places, and events connected to Wake County, please consider sharing them for inclusion into future editions!

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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wake Wednesday - Where to put the permanent NC State Capital

Would Wake County be very different if the choice of the state capital location had been different?

How? Would roadways and growth centers be effected? Would a location five miles away make a difference?

This is an interesting thought to ponder. I am sure it would have mattered more to the generations who came before us as their transportation and access to commerce would be most affected.

Hunter vs. Lane

The story of selecting the site of the permanent state capital is covered in this great article about inns and tavern from NCpedia. Isaac Hunter and Joel Lane are both represented here, as are several other important inns and taverns from the early days of colonial North Carolina.
"Inns and taverns played an important role in the economic and geographic development of colonial North Carolina. These establishments-also known as "ordinaries" in eighteenth-century America because they often catered to the full spectrum of social classes-were frequently one of the first businesses to appear in newly designated county seats, offering food and lodging to travelers and visitors to court...."

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