Tuesday, June 25, 2019

DNA Handout #3 from June WCGS meeting - Things you can do with your autosomal DNA results

 This handout was curated and created by Cini Gage. She wanted to share some of the many tools that we have been working with over the last couple of years. Please click on the images to view a larger version. This was formatted as a landscape spreadsheet and requires screenshots to get it to fit blog format.

Things you can do with your autosomal DNA results

click to see larger size

DNA Handout #2 from June WCGS meeting - Leeds Color Matching

Leeds Color Matching Sorting Method for atDNA Matches
Presenter: Cyndi Deal

DNA with DANA LEEDS - blog for Color Clustering Matches - https://dnawithdana.com

Dana Leeds Presentation at I4GG2018

Color and Tag with Ancestrys new features
·        Video from Blaine Bettinger - Sub-Clustering Your Shared Matches at AncestryDNA
Other Blogs and Work Groups
¡  Roberta Estes blog post,  The Leeds Method
¡  Roberta Estes blog post, Painting Leeds matches to DNAPAINTER (using matches with chromosome data)
¡  Diahan Southard blog post, Organizing Matches with Leeds
¡  Facebook Workgroup Genetic Genealogy Tips and Techniques  >> search Leeds in box on left sidebar
Preprinted worksheet for Leeds Method
DNA Match Manager

Conditional Formatting recipe”  -  Included in handout

Gather Matches for excel the Fast way

DNA Match Manager
        Free, Fast
        Works with all main test sites and GedMatch
        Creates csv files that you can save in Excel

DNA Match Manager
Color match options Easy vs. Power tools

Format Cell color

Right click on cell> choose fill tool (Paint bucket)> Choose color. This is simple and works, but you can’t sort it.

Recipe for Conditional Formatting in Excel

Home tab on Excel task Ribbon> Conditional Formatting dropdown> New Rule> 2nd option: format only cells that contain> fill cell value and define a color.
Power Tool option: Allows you to sort columns into associated family lines when they become apparent.

My Latest leeds effort
Using Power Tools:

¡  Match Manager data
¡  Conditional Formatting
¡  Color Code the starting match
¡  Rearranging the Columns as family lines become apparent

This shows how my process has evolved since first Leeds chart example that I shared with you. You can see that I have been moving the columns around as their connections become obvious.

Final Step, transfer this valuable info to your AncestryDNA match Page. Color code and Tag your matches with Ancestrys new features. See Blaine Bettinger video (link on Resource page).

DNA Handout #1 from June 2019 WCGS Meeting - Evaluating your atDNA Matches

Presented and prepared by Sallie Szymczyk

Evaluating Your atDNA Matches
June 25,2019

Use a unique username

Open a new e-mail account

Provide at least a skeleton tree

Start with your closest matches to determine which side of your family they are on

Look at available trees for hints

Look for common surnames and locations

Check to see if your match has posted to a message board

Use the “Shared Matches” tool on Ancestry, the “In Common With” tool on FTDNA or “shared DNA Matches” on My Heritage

Determine Paternal or Maternal match

Make a spread sheet to keep track of your findings

Contact your matches with an “informed” e-mail – Do your home workReturn to the WakeCoGen Website

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Upcoming Events - Busy WCGS schedule for Summer!

WCGS Members and Wake researchers!  It’s going to be a great summer of genealogy starting with these upcoming events:

June 29, 2019:  Transcription Workshop at Olivia Raney Library. 10am – noon. More info here.

July 2, 2019:  Family Tree Maker is coming to Raleigh!  WCGS will partner with FTM for an evening of great information on using FTM, upcoming upgrade, and much more. 7pm – 9pm. More info here.

WCGS Summer of DNA – don’t miss out on 3 great programs we’ll offer over the summer geared toward beginner and intermediate skill levels.

June 25, 2019:  Make Your Autosomal DNA Matches Work for You in two parts: Get Familiar with Your Shared Matches and Sort Shared Matches along family lines with Leeds Color Matching process. Olivia Raney Local History Library in Raleigh, NC refreshments at 6:30, program starts at 7pm.

July 23, 2019Use Science to Refine the Placement of Autosomal Matches Into Your Tree: An introduction to the “What are the Odds” tool at DNAPainter.com.  Olivia Raney Local History Library in Raleigh, NC refreshments at 6:30, program starts at 7pm.

August 27, 2019: Autosomal DNA Q&A Panel group. Submit your questions with contact info, question and sketch of the relationship in question by July 25. The sketch (nothing fancy is needed!) will help us with context. Submit to Newsletter@wakecogen.orgCameron Village Regional Library in Raleigh, NC starting at 7pm.

Just starting out with DNA?  You’ll find lots of great resources to help you master the basics in these articles from a previous DNA presentation. We especially recommend the Blaine Bettinger video series at Legacy Webinars. DNA links and reading list on WCGS blog.

Haven't tested yet but want to play along?  There is still plenty of time! This progress tracker will guide you thru the steps and get you started so you can be ready for our Summer of DNA!  Progress Tracker for DNA Study. Work the progress tracker, then the reading list. Both of these study aids live on the WCGS blog so you can reference them any time you like.

Questions? Email CarlaStancil@gmail.com

See you there!

Carla Stancil
President, Wake County Genealogical Society