Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at NC State opens it Fall 2023 registration Thursday, July 27. Our own Barbara McGeachy will follow her Intro Genealogy class with Genealogy: Intermediate Research Skills (Oct 24 - Dec 5).
Barbara notes that in addition to this class, there are several others that fit genealogy, local and family history, black history and Wake County interests. She shares the following information.
OLLI membership is required - minimum age is 50 and cost is
$50/year plus the fee for each class. No affiliation with NCSU is
required. Almost all classes are held at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh
between 9 am and 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
- Historic Preservation in Wake
- Battles of the American Revolution
1782-1783 is a six-week class; the instructor is so popular that he's
teaching it twice
- Genealogy: Intermediate
Research Skills taught by myself (Oct 24 - Dec 5).
- Historical Black
Neighborhoods of Raleigh
- Wake County Enslaved Persons
- Talkin’ Tar Heel: History,
Voices, Culture, Legacy
- The History and Evolution of
the Outhouse
- The Transnational Context of
- Discovering the Dead at
Oakwood Cemetery
OLLI offers classes that cater to a multitude of interests and genres. View their Fall 2023 course offerings here. There are other schedule viewing options at the OLLI schedule and registration webpage here.
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