I have had a lot of folks asking lately about how to start understanding their autosomal DNA match lists. The very best teacher for a beginner is Diahan Southard aka Your DNA Guide. This post was shared just after RootsTech 2024 in the spring but it is definitely worth sharing again. Save the post link for future reference!
Diahan Southard has been involved in Genetics and Genetic
Genealogy for over 20 years. She started at Sorenson Molecular Genealogy
Foundation, the pioneer genetic genealogy database. In the ensuing years, she
has earned her place as one of the most popular teachers of genetic genealogy in
the field today.
I took one of her yearlong DNA Study Groups and a peek at some of my favorite concepts and strategies can be found in videos 3, 4, & 5. Of course, if you are brand new to Genetic Genealogy start with the short bonus video - What is a Centimorgan?
You Can DO the DNA #1–Get Started
(or Restarted) RootsTech1 | YouTube1
You Can DO the DNA #2–Get Your Best Ethnicity Estimate RootsTech2 | YouTube2
You Can DO the DNA #3-Light Your DNA Match List on Fire
(Only available at
RootsTech. Create a free account to watch. This is the most important hour of
this series. Do not skip. Worth the extra steps to register.) RootsTech3
You Can DO the DNA #4–See What DNA Success Looks Like: Real Case Studies RootsTech4 | YouTube4
Last one is only available at Diahann’s YouTube page -
You Can DO the DNA #5
- DNA is Easy Until it Isn't:
A Slightly Complicated Case Study YouTube5
Bonus freebie – If
you are new to the process, absolutely watch this first! It is the most important concept
to master early in your DNA journey.
What is a Centimorgan? | Centimorgans Explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acPXHnBPscs
If you would like more help from Diahan:
Diahan Southard’s Website link - https://www.yourdnaguide.com/
Her searchable blog - https://www.yourdnaguide.com/ydgblog
Your DNA Guide – The Book
- https://www.amazon.com/Your-DNA-Guide-Diahan-Southard/dp/1734613904/
Your DNA Guide – Workbook - https://www.amazon.com/Your-DNA-Guide-Diahan-Southard/dp/1734613904/
(Links updated July 29,2024)
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