Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wake Wednesday - Independence Day Celebration 1800

How were they acknowledging and celebrating Independence Day in Wake County in 1800? 

Here is an account from the from the Weekly Raleigh Register dated July 8, 1800.  Bear in mind that this particular celebration was 24 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence (1776), 17 years after the end of the Revolutionary War (1783) and 13 years after the signing of the U. S. Constitution (1787). The memories and experiences of the town folk were living, breathing things. They were very serious about their accomplishment as they should be. It seems to be a reverant and dignified event. I am glad to see the sixteen toasts were interspersed with patriotic songs so everyone could pace themselves. I guess you could say  it was also a "spirited" celebration.

You can read directly at the Raleigh Register here, and view the Declaration as it was read at the event on page 1.

Happy Independence Day to all of our readers.

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