Monday, June 3, 2024

Wake Genealogy Watch - Summer Edition 2024, v7.4 - Live Now at our website

The Summer 2024 Issue (Vol. 7 Issue 4) of our award-winning newsletter, Wake Genealogy Watch, is now available online for reading or download. You can visit the WCGS website  or access through this link -  Wake Genealogy Watch, Summer 2024.

  Features in this issue include:

  • Our updated slate of officers for the WCGS Board of Directors

  • Past president Carla Stancil reflects on the progress and challenges faced by our society during her tenure.

  • Ed Morris, retired executive director of the Wake Forest Historical Museum, shares his vast knowledge of Major General Calvin Jones, M.D. of Wake Forest. You will be amazed at his many accomplishments and contributions to Wake County.

  • Cynthia Gage made some very special discoveries about her ancestors using the resources at places of higher learning. She shares her tips with us.

  • A clean up and preservation guide to help you know what to do and who to contact for help saving your aging family cemeteries in need of care.

  • A new resource to help you get started researching the Wake Cemetery Survey Image records. Come check out our quick tips for successful searches.

  • Details of our Summer 2024 Events Calendar.

Photo Note: If you choose to read a printed version of this newsletter, some of the photos will be difficult to view due to size constraints. Please refer to the online edition where you can enlarge the photos to accommodate better viewing. 

Click this newsletter page link to view this and all past newsletter content. 

We welcome your feedback, input, and submissions for inclusion in future editions. Please address all concerns to

Visit the WCGS Blog for more events, late breaking news, tutorials, updates, and other special posts.  

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