Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Hopeful Step for NC Cemetery Protection - after HB385, sec11

The June 2024 law changes (HB385, sec11) that limit the protections of cemeteries - lost, abandoned, culturally and historically significant - have been discussed and updated previously on our blog - here. There has been a hopeful turn of events. Unfortunately, it is not the full restoration of oversight powers to the Office of State Archaelogy. This new proactive measure comes from outside the legislature.

The N.C. Department of Transportation will team with N.C. State University Institute for Transportation Research and Education to begin research on mapping unmarked burial sites belonging to historically marginalized groups. This positive step forward is a pilot project beginning in Edgecombe County. The project goal is to identify and map Indigenous burial sites, graves of formerly enslaved individuals, and historic African American cemeteries within the county. The pilot runs through the summer of 2026 and may expand after that. 

This effort gives me hope that there is still active preservation happening in North Carolina. I certainly hope to see the expansion come to Wake County and I hope that it will include the small often lost and abandoned family farm cemeteries as well. 


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