OLLI is the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at NorthCarolina State University. It is open to anyone age 50 or over; no affiliation with NCSU is required. Membership is $50 per year and allows you to take classes, go on study trips, and attend Special Interest Groups.
Here is a little bit more about the class from an OLLI email feature:
Interested in exploring your family history? OLLI has two perfect opportunities for you! First is our spring course “Genealogy- Starting with the Basics” taught by Barbara McGeachy. This course will teach you how to research your family history in the U.S. You will discuss what records are available and where to find them, which websites and software programs are best, and how DNA can help. Find out how to record and analyze the information you find.
If this course doesn’t mesh with your schedule or if you have already started researching your family tree, join the Family History Group! Also led by Barbara McGeachy, members exchange information about genealogical searches and resources. Contact barbnral@gmail.com for more information. This Special Interest Group tends to meet on Friday mornings at the McKimmon Center.
If you are well into your genealogical journey, this is a great chance to have a reset moment to add in all those details and techniques you wish you had known about as a newbie. If you are just starting out or have a friend who is interested in genealogy but timid to get started, this is a perfect opportunity to start on the right track.
Check out the OLLI course book for details and pricing. You will be surprised at all the classed offered!
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