Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Wake Wednesday - Christmas Far Away c.1945

Keeping Christmas where ever and however possible! 

source: NC Archives/Flicker

Snapshot of an unidentified American soldier, Clark, and Floyd Boughner holding a Christmas tree. Photograph taken while Morrison Jr. of Raleigh, N.C., was serving in the U.S. Army during World War II Caption on back of photograph reads: “Cold!” [circa December 1945].  WWII 33.B3.F10.7 (From Robert R. Morrison Jr. Papers, WWII 33, World War II Papers, Military Collection, State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh, N.C.)

Merry Christmas everyone. Thank you for following along with WCGS!

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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas from Wake County Genealogical Society


Merry Christmas to all our
members and supporters. 

Don't you just love vintage postcards. Ellen Clapsaddle designed some of the very best one for Christmas!

Peace, Light and Grace to all.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Wake Wednesday - Christmas in Wake County - pt. 2

I have shared ArcGIS StoryMaps before. I am sharing another today and I think that this iteration is the cleverest use of the technology yet. Take a peek at this wonderful time travel illustration of Christmas at Oak View: 1850-1950 by Abigail Kellerman. The stories illustrates how Christmas was celebrated and how traditions changed through the various eras with different rooms and structures portraying each. 



I hope you enjoy this adventure to the past! Merry Christmas.

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Friday, December 13, 2024

Follow our newest Facebook Page - wakecogensoc

Big Move Alert!!

We are switching our Facebook page from the business page* format to a regular group page in about a week and a half. 

For a while, followers who land at the old page will be directed to the new page link. Since you are here, you can follow the link below or search "wakecogensoc" from the Facebook search field to signup for the new page. All posting will only appear on the new page after November 1, 2024. 

You can enjoy all the fresh content, event updates, and interactions that you have come to expect from WCGS at our new page. Come check us out! Join us.

search "wakecogensoc" at Facebook

*Reasons for move:
The FB business page model has evolved over time to a format that no longer suits our needs for events, announcements and interaction. Their storefront focus does not allow easy interaction between followers and pushes posting and business goals on a daily basis. We do not use our page in any business sense. Leaving all these hoops and hurdles behind will free up time for us and make posting and collaboration easier for our followers. It is a Win/Win.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wake Wednesday - Christmas in Wake County, pt. 1

 Caution: Extreme Nostalgia Ahead!

Do you remember the Fayeteville Street Christmas lights (before the acorns or snowflakes), a nighttime downtown Christmas parade, Happyland or Cross Family Lights? No matter which of these traditions strike a nostalgic chord in you soul, you will find all these and more in this Wake County Christmas time collection of remembrances from various sources. 

A Ghost of Christmas Past - the late Karl Larrson shares his memories of downtown Raleigh at Christmas.


Then and now: Scenes of Raleigh at Christmas since the 1930s by Heather Leah of WRAL. Enjoy this nostalgic look at Fayetteville Street as the hub of holiday cheer from the 1930s forward. I love the many wonderful retro photos from the State Archives of NC.

It is my hope that your memories spark the urge to tell the stories to your younger kin creating new family traditions and a hunger for more family stories. Keep the stories flowing and Christmas memories alive. 

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Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Wake Wednesday - Chrismas Nostalgia - Growing up in Wake County

Here is a Wake County Christmas nostalgia post to jumpstart your holiday cheer. How many of these event/traditions do you remember?  Do you have other favorites not mentioned in this WRAL segment from Heather Leah? Let us know.

This does not go back very far, but it is sure to push your nostalgia buttons! Enjoy.

View Heather's full post here.

The 50th annual WRAL Tower Lighting took place on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2009.

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