Monday, July 29, 2019

DNA Handout for July WCGS meeting - WATO tool

Presented by Jean Lansford, July 23, 2019

We had a great turnout and a powerhouse DNA topic! Thanks, Jean.

The full handout will be published at the WCGS website shortly. Our webmaster is traveling.  In the meantime the links here will get you started.


Science the Heck Out of Your DNA Series, Leah LaPerle Larkin, The DNA Geek
 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

International Society of Genetic Genealogy Wiki 

Tools at DNAPainter

WATO Tree Template

GreenShot Screen Shot and Image Editor


This includes the slides from the presentation. It will walk you thru the process.
Check here: Summer of DNA (2019) Handouts

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Followup to Leeds Color Sorting DNA Matches presentation WCGS - June 25

Followup to last weeks Leeds presentation - 

In my effort to cover the topic in the time allowed, I was using a very simplified data set that was edited (think one of those home shows) for time. 

If you are trying to create your own spreadsheet from memory of my steps, take heart, Dana Leeds will walk you thru in her blog posts (Links in the handout and here). 

I wish you much fun and success. As always start small and give yourself permission to start over when you start to get the hang of it.

I like this description too.

Good luck with your DNA Match sorting!

Cyndi Deal

PS - Also, keep watching the Summer of DNA link at the top of the blog home page. All handouts and links will be posted there for reference.

Return to the WakeCoGen Website

Monday, July 1, 2019

Rescheduled Olive Family Reunion - September 2019 - Details within

If you are a member of the James Olive family association and planned to attend the reunion last year only to be foiled by a hurricane, here is your chance to regroup and regather.

Here is an excerpt of the Olive Branches newsletter with a brief description:
click to view original size

If you need more information, you can check their Facebook group or send me a message I have pdf files of the newsletter and the pre-registration sheet.

Reunion is Sept. 27-29 in Williamsburg.